What Is Masking, and Why Does It Matter?
Masking is natural. We all do it in different ways and in different situations, especially when we’re trying to make a good impression or avoid conflict. It can even be useful—think about how we act at a job interview compared to how we act with close friends. But masking can become a problem when it’s constant, inflexible, or draining. People with anxiety, perfectionism, past trauma, or jobs that require constant politeness (think customer service) may find themselves masking too often.
Understanding ADHD in Women
For many women, ADHD doesn't look like the hyperactive and impulsive behavior we often hear about. Instead, it can manifest as anxiety, perfectionism, or a constant state of hypervigilance. These subtler signs are easy to miss or mistake for something else, leading to many women not realizing they have ADHD.
ADHD and Time Management
ADHD is characterized by difficulties with executive functioning, which includes skills such as planning, organization, and time management. These challenges can make it hard to stay on track with tasks, meet deadlines, and juggle multiple responsibilities. Understanding how ADHD impacts time management is the first step toward finding effective solutions.
Hyper-Focus: Friend or Foe for the ADHD brain?
Reasons why you may want to have your ADHD brain tap in to the hyper-focus state.
Multi-tasking and the ADHD brain
Mono-tasking or Multi-tasking? Which one is better for the ADHD brain?
Well it depends!
Ten Things to Declutter Right Now for ADHD Brains
Ten things that ADHD brains can declutter right now to help them feel more in control of their homes.